alright so here is my story

hey everyone im mike. im 18 years old. i drive an 05 evo 8 mr edition. i just got into the car thing over the summer and im learning alot and here to learn even more and meet some people along the way. im really bad with decisions so you will probably see me asking for opinions on alot of things. also im into film alot and ill prolly have a bunch of car videos and such to post on here for other people to see.
other then cars im into the whole snowboarding thing, quadding, snowmobiling, jet skiing, and some xbox 360 when nothing else is going on.



welcome :wave:

if you’re ‘spoiled’ but still type like that, you took the education your parents bought you for granted

Quadding= Ban


Yeah, he has an Evo 8 , but his parents did his geography homework sense he was 5, so he can’t even find his way out of the driveway.


Seems like your parents did your English homework huh.

To the OP: Just make a thread for every question that you have, its ok MikeRi24 use to now he’s not half retarded anymore.

Just post polls when you need an opinion. Your name is Mike, we will confuse you with someone else, I am sure.

and um, welcome…


I see you all over the place. It’s a nice evo, who cares if your parents bought it for you. If they’re well enough off to buy you one then so what?



welcome to the forum.

make sure you dont film yourself doing brodies in the Mighty parking lot.

unless your screaming suck my balls.

enjoy your stay.

Here is my story:

Nope, I payed you remember.

Fail post, again.

haha actually my parents didn’t help with my geography hw. my dad although did help with my math hw. and i can actually make it outta my driveway… now getting outta my neighborhood is the hard part =p

i can film that if you would like to see it
your call not mine

thanks for the vid
i like it
especially the random black guy
and the wall flip

everyone else thanks for the warm welcomes so far :smiley:


:rofl: he’s on a roll…

people missed the irony in that I guess.

No, you’re just that stupid.