10/21/07 - Sunday - My Bubble Tea - 8 PM

joe bring the Rotus lets race… lol

in along with focusinprogress , carless, and my pimped out gold and black unicycle.

I can’t wait for chewy balls!!!

Wiping the dust off the car, probably be their right at 8, only have an hour or so to hang out.

I’ll try to swing by with some bikes.

i got fucked by a state trooper on my way home!


lol dont speed :slight_smile:


lol dont speed :slight_smile:


i was just cruising along, didnt feel like i was going that fast


i got fucked by a state trooper on my way home!



dude what happened?

[quote=“XH TNTA,post:69,topic:37206"”]

dude what happened?


78 in a 55 and “evading police”

what? i would think that if you got the evading police one you would have gone to jail.
I would also make note that you did make it home pretty damn fast

[quote=“XH TNTA,post:71,topic:37206"”]

what? i would think that if you got the evading police one you would have gone to jail.
I would also make note that you did make it home pretty damn fast


after gti kyle went on his way i cruised the passing lane at 100, saw a light way back and just pulled off the thruway thinking fuck it, he’s so far back he wont get me. and well, he did.

he was a prick about the whole thing cause i tried to get away, he said he would have droppped my speed some otherwise. he also brought notice about my “highly modified car”

how fuckng ironic was it that we were talking about radar detectors and how i don’t use one/need one.


Guess it’s time for either a V1 or a Passport. And, I know Chris, the arrows.

yeah about that…

eff that, i dont even rock one in the evo… things are overrated


eff that, i dont even rock one in the evo… things are overrated


im gonna now. fucking a.


i got fucked by a state trooper on my way home!



that made me lol, you didnt try hard enough to get away…

yeah as i told you tonight mister i don’t need one and cannot justify spending 400 on one.
Your fine will be about the cost of the V1 if not more plus a few points!
Next time don’t be cheap and get a V1 :lol:

[quote=“XH TNTA,post:78,topic:37206"”]

yeah as i told you tonight mister i don’t need one and cannot justify spending 400 on one.
Your fine will be about the cost of the V1 if not more plus a few points!
Next time don’t be cheap and get a V1 :lol:


:hang:= me in c-waga court.

You deserve everything you got.

Dont bitch…

Its really simple…obey the law and you dont get in trouble.