lot tonight wed march 25th

anyone else heading to the lot tonight. we got a few new cars out on the road, and its beautiful out. we got 6-7 of us heading out there. figure well be there around 9 oclock or so.

-hybrdthry911 on adam’s sn

I 'll prob show up…

wtf guys, my car wont be out till tommorow. wtf…


Sweet, were rollin out to take pics and shit, then will be at teh lot

Your POS comin out???

I’ve been wanting to take pics forever but I don’t know where my damn camera is. I think my mom took it and prolly lost it somewhere since thats something she would do.

either way its a buncha bull SHIT

When I saw Pete (f’n skanks) today at Gearhead he jokingly asked me if I was going tonight. Now you guys really are going there.

Ive gotta be at work at 4:45 am so I wont be out.

So who is going out i might i kinda want to do pics to if someone has a good camera.

Great story Paul. :lol

Serious though. Strong, emotional beginning leading up to the unexpected “I won’t be showing tonight” at the end. I really liked it. It had the reader into thinking you would be at the lot, and then the sudden change away from the reader’s initial thought.


hmmm I might show up around 11 for a little while.

Drove by like 10 mins ago and didn’t see anyone there. If anyone was there and saw me floor it past that wasn’t because I was trying to show off, it’s because I was trying to beat the light and get home so I could take a shit (what I am doing right now)


any updates?

is anyone going?

What do I look like the Steve Caporizzo of the lot?

Rolled up sleeves means srs bzns

Word. From what I hear people are going right now… im going out to get a tripod for my camera and then i’ll be there after.


yeah ill be there


Was a good time, kind of.
SICK civic was there :shifty :ninja