It was only a matter of time before this would happen, but the lot is pretty much done for. I won’t get into too many details until the party involved chimes in, but I will say it ended with PR’s jumping one of my good friends all because he chased them down to get a plate # after they HIT AND RAN his car.
What gets me is how all of these so called “car enthusiasts” can drop what they are doing to run over and watch a fight, but nobody has the dignity to break it up? ESPECIALLY When there is 6 PR’s on one scrawny white kid? That’s just fucked up and really gets to me.
This happened last night (Saturday). The member of this site involved was Crazyz250, and I am sure he will add his 2 cents in later. Two other fights also broke out (I glanced at the police report earlier), not sure if they are on this site or not. I was up in Lake George last night when this happened, so I am only going by what I was told from Brian.
pity ,I havnt been out in a week or two anyway. oh well let them have the “lot” doesnt matter much to me. Im sure most of the regulars will just go elsewhere.
I just heard about this “incident”. Idk who was there besides the person recieving the ass kicking, but I CANNOT BELIEVE that NO ONE would help someone out like that. Its bs that this happened after he was just trying to do what was right, and grab a LP# after his car got tagged.
I wish that I was in working order, and up at the lot b/c I would have done my damndest to kill all of those low life pieces of shit…
Nobody is having the lot, Colonie is kicking out anybody who is loitering there. It’s done for, and if you fail to comply you will be issued tickets and arrested if they have to take it that far.
Brian’s doing okay, black eye and some head pain, but he’s alive and that’s what counts. The Prelude has a fucked up rear bumper, dented driver quarter and scuff marks. Apparently one of the scum PR’s had a handgun and was waving it around, thank god they didn’t use that to take their anger out on him…
DO NOT go to the lot for the next couple of weeks if you dont want to be hassled. CPD is setting up shop there next weekend with 12 cruisers, and a pattywagon and running EVERY plate that is there, and will be ticketing for everything accordingly. Got that from a little buddy on the inside:shifty lol
I agree with everything said here, and I said the same. I don’t know what I would have done if I saw that happening, I get crazy adrenaline in times like that.
Let’s just be thankful that Brian is still here with us, god knows what those pieces of trash would have done with weapons… :Idiots
What fucking scumbag fuckin PR pieces of dog shit. You have no idea how much this pisses me off. EVERY year they wait until the most of us are out of town, and they do something even more stupid than they normally do, like beating up someone whos car they just hit, like a dumb fuck. And who the fuck needs a gun when you have 7 dudes hitting a guy on the ground, who was hit by a beer bottle to start out with. If i was there, PRs would have been getting stabbed
It is. ITs rediculous, the PRs arent there for fun/the sport. THey are there bc theyve seen F&F one too many times and wanna prove their stupid strret cred, and its like a rolling albany club down there. Its fuckin dumb. I know 78-yrs back or more we would have an occasional fight, but people went 1 on 1, threw their punches, and went on with the night. Now you got these dumb PRs with guns and all this BS.
They really are. Who hits someone in the head with a beer bottle, after they just hit your car(in the wrong), most likely drunk. From what I was told by one of my sources, there were 2 PRs with guns sitting there in case someone came over to help…
I WISH my buddy randy was there, he has 1 shotgun, a rifle, and 2 handguns on him at ALL times.