Say goodbye to the "lot"

i wasnt there for this bullshit, but at the end of last year with jeremy and jason and all of that i feel like if one of “us” had a gun or a knife and used it, there would literally be 5+ people dead between both “sides”. they just don’t give a flying fuck. “we’re” always on the defense, and they’ll escalate it to as far as they can take it. jumping people is clearly no issue for them, and what happened last night was damn close to a stabbing (sharp object), so just think how far away they are to shooting? not very far at all.

PnR is starting to look verrrry appealing, even to me, who lives 5-6 minutes from the “lot”.

OFT, seems like they love to bring guns to a fist fight. its only a matter of time before someone gets seriously hurt or even killed.

I’m def not bringing my car to the “lot” if there is a bunch of ppl there. I hate those fuckin scummers.

yeah its just that “vibe” that i got. i thought someone was going to get really seriously hurt or killed last year. i had to get out of there STAT because this IDIOT friend-of-a-friend (15 yrs old) started to talk shit to one of the PR’s during the “incident” who proceeded to pull a knife on him :facepalm . i pretty much threw him in my car and by the time i got to the exit, a few CPD cars pulled in. sure, it was pretty quick response, but 45-60 seconds is a LONGGGGGG time when you’re ganging up on one person beating the shit out of them.

how quick was the “response time” last night? just out of curiousity

Well, I know where ill be going, at least for the next few weeks…

We got a good spot to go…

CP there??

Actually, yes sometimes :lol

nice, im down!!!

Typical PR scum. 6 on 1…cowards with guns standing by to make sure it’s not 6 on 2 because that’s just unfair apparently. Since all 90 of them live in ONE house, find it, burn it down, enjoy with marshmellows.

I have a feeling if I were there I would have been shot. I dont care how bad I get hurt, im not going to stand by and let a friend get the shit kicked out of them by 7 mother fuckers that dont even belong in this country. I cant wait to find ou who actually had a part in this, they arent going to like the reprocusion…

jesus christ ,im kinda glad i left real early wit my son .if i was there gos help em i woulda gave it everything i had what bothers me even more is that punk fuckin pussies wont help yet run there mouth sayin they would glad the car will be apart for a while once it is done im at the other spot fuck this childish crap .this is twice now once during the l/g car show when noone was around .then now when people are around to help and noone does im wit adam if i see it im in full bore

Not surprised, its a big fucking joke there. Fireworks were going off Friday night. Not worth going down. I dont understand how people can act like that.

act like that is one thing ,helpin out a friend in need is another . not 1 person helped this poor kid?

I just lose it and go nuts. I could get stabbed 2 times and not even know it until the fight is over…ask me how I know. I dont like getting like that, but if it needs to be done…

Nope, sad right?

holy shit what a bunch of fuckin scabs ,ya call yourselves friends and now look at ya …fuck man when i first started goin to this shit show 1 person fucked up 15 would be at your back now look at it

Well, if your alone, and theres 7 guys jumping one person there isn’t much you can do alone.

So OK, lets say im carrying… how would you approach that situation? The law reads that your allowed to protect the life of another.

So you draw on them, they could have a weapon and they draw back. Great a shootout in Colonie. That would bode well for everyone.

Calling the police and hoping they got there would be the best thing you could do. Unless you had a decent size gang of people. Or both Henry’s.

Damn, sad to hear. I don’t really go down much anyway but at least Brian is alright.

not sayin shoot the fuck ,but christ to not have 1 person help him out esp trying to help another .sounds awfully girlish to me .rest assured if i get suttin pulled on me shit is gonna fly