fight at lot last weekend?

we aint gunna have the lot for much longer if this still happens ricans should be banned lol…

yo we streetracin’ this has been discussed already n00b.

Dont worry about it mang, you’ll be STR33T RACIN 4 LYFE DAWG

High five Brett for being quick on the pwn.

you can street race elsewhere. rt5, i 90, 87, albany street, western ave, rt7, alt 7. many other places mang.

:crackup @ street racing on Albany Street.

im snappy, between working on my gti, watcing a DVR’d new pinks all out and cooking dinner, i got time to lay down the law on the n00bie str33tracerzzzz

haha :crackup

Ha ha sweet post

i have so much to say on this subject but im at work and i cant punch my keyboard cvdfev5gtbtvbyh nu bvtyhgn :angry2 shit will happen thats all im able to say . not at the lot dont worry i wont bring down inisent people or make shift518 look bad .

haha wow im not even gonna say anything

Don’t get Jeremy started on a rant, his spelling is bad enough. :tong

i saw this shirt today that said “death before dishonor” and for some reason it reminded me of the fight :ponder it was a sick black label shirt for sure.

death before dishonor is gonna end up across my chest eventually

I wanted that user name :wow




mmkay lol…?no one wants to talk bout it sal gd but this stuff has to stop we got to kick the damn ricans out of the lot

we already had this discussion. and youre free to go with them too.

Yeah mang, get dem ricans outta der