hang out at the my "new lot" friday 9pm

ok so i wanna do a trial run of the spot i have messaged some of you about… it’s in albany, easy to get to, covered so rain or shine we can hang out. full of light, low car freidnly, easy to jump on and off the highway

from the lot it might take 10 mins to get to, at the most.

anyway if anyone is interested post up… i will return pm’s as i get them… anyone is welcome really, since i think everyone on here has the same thought process for whats considered “appropriate” for a public place.

anyone who hasn’t gotten directions please pm me, i have a picture mapping out where to go so you can’t mess it up

friday 6/12/09 9pm start (or you can show up early if you like)

BRING CHAIRS PEOPLE, stand up gets really boring after awhile

Pm please. Thanks in advance.

I’d like to swing by and check it out as well.

p/m please

I may swing out as well with the bike before work. PM directions.

pm please
hopefully I’ll have my shit box in order

p/m me please

pm me also… bar scene is getting old.


p/m please

We used to hang out there about 5 years ago, its an awesome place. Maybe i will swing down friday night.

LMK also Brew, I might come being its not the lot.

PM me directions…

PM prease. I’d definitely like to meet some people (outside of drunken shenanigans at Elliots)

pm me brewski.

real close to where I work so I’ll stop by when I get out.

in for updates, sirs

PM plz!


PM directions please