10/4: JDMR2/BeautyOfAWD's sendoff

lets say 8PM at Brennans, corner of Main/Transit in the office depot plaza

possibly some sort of dinner beforehands for those interested…TBA

come one, come all, stay late :tup:

you will reach “the john effect”

i’ll be there for the sendoff… damnit make it a weekend so i can stay late and get rocked :stuck_out_tongue:

beautyoffood and his triumphant exit

pussy, call in late :stuck_out_tongue:

word I will be there and bring bitches…


come early and watch the sabres trounce carolina

i’ll be representing slug power at the bar :tup:

im possibly in for this…this ones def more important then sherms b-day :wink:

far more important

Sean I think wahler is coming out tomorrow, and on a side note we were coming back from lunch some some guy in a subie that looked a lot like you honked at him and then realized it was not you…the look on the guys face was such a sweet WTF?

fuck now its 50% that I need to go to pottsdam for work leaving tomorrow afternoon… I may not even have a choice on this one :confused:

ill stop up

I’ll try and stop in on the way home from work. It’s been a while man.

ill swing around on the way home from work…but i do believe you owe me a dinner date <3

I’ll stop by after work Sean and I’ll bring the Eibachs for you.

i work til 10, but that’s only a few blocks from work, so i should be there by 10:03

wish i could be there sean…good luck with everything

im here for the gangbang

i think i’m going to have a problem walking by the end of the first period

god damn i’m going to be loud…so loud carolina is going to hear me yelling, AND GOD SAVE ANY IDIOT WHO COMES IN TONIGHT WEARING ANYTHING TO DO WITH A HURRICANE

so, what you’re saying is, you want to drink tonight??
