10s - CHECK ... Wheels Up - CHECK

I was the one shooting the vids on chodas camera, the wheels definatly left the ground, not by alot, but they jumped. :tup: and congrats. I almost shit myself when I saw those #s go up on the screen.

indeed thats nothing to shake a stick at…10.5 means ur quite serious.

:tup: to 10s or bust(and no bust){knock on wood}

:tup: :tup: connrats choda

Now I cant make fun of you for having no trap anymore :cry:

:tup: impressive to say the least… congratulations mang

I saw light under the tires.
…now can you do it on the street?

Nice meeting you JEG

I took this …right before yankage

did you win anything? I guess 2stroke own a tool set, as we were geting gas in genaco. lol KC took them.

yea i won Best Rt of the night. .427 from a pro tree.

sweet pics john.

congrats choda :slight_smile: glad to see everything ended up working out for you this season!

This is the car is beat in finals.



congrats on the 10s choda. Awesome runs.

:tup: congrates, awsome.

Congrats man!

fucking sweet!
congrats - now, what’s next year’s goal? :smiley:

:word: it was cool talkinto ya man. awsome pics! :tup:

9s or bust :slight_smile:



Now you can live your life 1/4 mile at a time, 'cause for those 10 seconds or less… :lol:


I think your burnout, your 10.5 and one of your 10.7s are in there, I can make a vid of just you if ya need.


link doesn’t work for me.

just wached it again.damn thats a badass vid (nopun intended)