:lol :rofl dying over here
Lmao Adam your stupid ass did it after you watched me and dbag get busted
LOL @ Johns kid yelling “FAGGOOOOTTTTT” to all the cars goin by
We really thought we had a solid plan. But apparently when the fuzz is crawling all over the place in the parking lot, undercover, youre fucked either way.
judging by how packed the town gets for the big events and with all the Canadians coming down thru the summer Id say yes.
Big money being spent there.
allll night he was doin ti man
what about richie in valero semi hammered and gettin beligerant drinkin beer and pickin up the fruit he spilled all over lolol
Regardless if they need the money or not, their “rates” dont go down, its alot of money to have fun there, whether its gettin in a little trouble or just going to hang out, its expensive.
" Mind finishing making my sandwhich"
Ive got a bad habit of blinking/closing my eyes when a flash goes off and the red is sunburn
Rumor has it there were undercover walking all over this year, thats y there wasnt AS many cars parked in the median as usual
The PR guy at Valero remembered me from last year and was asking me how Ive been and how my summer was and shit like that. Slightly weird.
A few people asked us where the picnic table was (we didnt have one this year) and I heard several talking about the blow up doll (wasnt there either).
This year the mullet wig guys were the stars of the drunk show though.
Oh yeah. The Lt. that got me was actually pretty cool once we got past the formalities lol. He said there were 2 of em alone in the Valero lot, not to mention various others elsewhere. They pretty much know what to expect from the Valero lot every year coming into it :lol
Ehh I dunno pretty sure we took the drunk award Friday night
most were downtown. Its like you couldnt go ten feet without seeing 4 cop cars.
The blow up doll last year was hilarious, the mullet boys were funny this year!
There is so much blank space from that night. All I remember was coming up with a new celebrity name for every person that drove by and didnt do a burnout :rofl
Lol, hell ya, thats why we walk down from stews to watch what goes on down there, the the cops show up after they open up the villiage, we go back to stews and watch it all over again up there
my brother threw the doll in a dumpster we got earlier in the year because she was popped.
This year I managed to stay sober except for a slight buzz Friday night after I had parked my car at the hotel and went downtown for a few drinks at Fire & Ice and then left after my brother pretty much kicked himself out after yelling things involving the word cunt over and over like “Did you get those cigarettes from the reservation cunt?” “Show us your twat cunt!”