11-22-10 waterskipping

having a little bit of fun ive got 2 other videos i’ll get them up later…the pond is about 12-15 feet deep on the far end and about 500ft long…anyone else wanna give it a try tommorow is supposed to be nice



so what happens if it stalls or goes down lol

take out the spark plugs and crank the bitch over until all the water comes back out :lol

after you tow it out of the fucking pond hahahaha

prolly have to take the battery out and charge it and see if any of the electronics got fucked up…this sleds injected so im sure it wouldn’t be as easy as taking out the plugs and getting the water out…idk…

41 views and 3 comments?? any other time everyone throws out their ideas and now nothing?

Stupid fucking idea.

this fucking sucks… link doesnt work

how bout now???

James does it better.

i know ive seen the videos…betcha james didn’t have the $$ in his sled that i do

kool. but fuck that id never try it if i had a sled they are so much money to sink lol

Yeah man…fun shit. Takes a sac, knowing if you or sled fails, its hours of cold wet work… but thats what real men do.

Watch the youtube video in the OP with the beavis and butthead theme playing in the background.

Pure gold.

its all about the video…sinking it makes for a better video…if you think you are going to sink, wack the throttle and hope you dont…there was 1 point i thaught i was going for a swim…1:41 i wacked it and i had the hp to not sink

anyone know of a pond to waterskip??? something preferably in or near schoharie/duanesburg…me and a few others are looking for a new spot

Give Burden Lake a try.

:rofl :rofl i’d watch!!!

I didnt need to have all that money into mine… lol…