As the title states. Got these for my civic but the car ended up coming with a full set of steelies and snow tires so I no longer need these. 15 inch, 4x100. They have bliazzaks on them that hold air and can be driven on but theres not much tread left at all. Took a wire wheel to these and painted them gloss black.Ill have some pictures up tomorrow but you get the idea of what 4 steel wheels look like Id hope.
bump winters coming ladies… mount some fresh snows on these and be good to go.
Glws look way better with some paint
Thanks man! they really do, a little wire wheel and some primer and gloss black metal paint and they look like new! Id be using them but my car came with some mint cooper winter tires on 15 inch steelies already so i have no use for these lol
SOLD Thanks again Junk! enjoy man