150 Users!

Whatever… whore.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnd 270

< -------------------- :E
Better watch out, I’m catching you biotches! :smiley:

Jesus, am I supposed to whore these boards out too? No problem! :E

thats it im gonna whore up this site now. everywhere u will c the nissan bitch jump!!!11hahahaha :anal

  1. :!:

Yes, just noticed that. Nice.

Yeah, for sure! I don’t know what the hell has been going on lately, but we’ve had something like 30 new folks sign up in the past 2 weeks!

ive been handing out quite a few flyers :smiley:

Log out and try to view the classifieds. :yawinkle:

AH HAH! :smiley:

Ya, the more flyers the better.

And yes, I changed the forums so that you can’t enter them unless you are registered :wink:

350! Well 351 actually, I missed 350. And this is post number 19001!


gatdamnnnnnn goin up like mad…i just flyered the sweetest skyline GTR
white pimp as f*ck this thing was totally sick man i hope he shows up to the next meet i’d like to get a good look at the interior.as soon as i seen it i was like HOLY man i gotta flyer this car as i came to a squeeling stop :E

I think i know which one you are talking about. I don’t think he has interest in us. He’s seen us at plenty of shows and just walks by all cocky.

50 new users in 17 days! 401!

400 registered users!!!

:cheer: :party1:

how many are members?