16" M-Contour Replica wheels w/ Studded Pirelli Snows (Fit E36 M3)

I have my old set of studded snows that were on my '95 M3 a couple seasons ago, they have about 15k on the tires. Have roughly 7/32 of tread on all tires. The wheels are in decent condition, they have some finish issues as they were used as winter wheels but are all round and have no bends or major defects. These have sat in my shed the past couple years as I have embarked on an LS1 swap in the car…since the vehicle hardly runs on it’s own I will have no need for these winter wheels at this time.

$500 or reasonable offer
Text - (585)490-1307

Here is a picture of them on my M3 a couple years ago just for an idea of what you’re looking at. Followed by close ups.









Bump for new pictures of wheels, still for sale. Drove on these once this season and are still balanced well. $500 for the set.