172' High Dive!


Watch the old assholes score at the end.

That takes some serious balls. wow

What year was that 1972?

I’m getting dizzy just watching that… holy fuck.

Wow I’d be scared as hell just to be that high let alone jump!

no head first no care.


It would be sick to try that.

divers are cool. this guy is not normal.

WTF. What I want to know is, who the fuck dives from that height only to tie a world record…why not add a few feet to have it yourself

Wasn’t expecting flips. WOW.

And yeah, why TIE the record?

good question.


Pretty amazing thing but… let me know WHY THE HELL he do not tries directly 1 feet more than the record ?? He’s taking so much risk for… making the same as actual record…

lol did someone from NYspeed write this?

why would you not put that one foot more. man if your going to risk breaking shit/serious black and blue/death. why the hell not set the record

nm question answered