17x9+22 Blitz Type 01

Dont know if anyone would be interested in these - i have a set of 4 in decent shape, no serious rash, 7/10 over all condition - just testing waters for now.

Wondering what they are worth.

They look great on the S2K!

Get actual pics…

these are a long disco’d wheel, good sizes though… prolly somewhere between $600 - $1,000 depending on condition

Chad I’d be interested in a pair w/ no tires if you’d part…lmk.

I’d buy the other pair if ^ buys a pair. If not how much for the set?

look good on the stwok

hmmm… alright i have had a few pm’s - i will take pics tonight of 2 of the 4 and update the rest later - i may consider refinishing them and re polishing the lip since they are 2pc, should be fairly easy -

bolt pattern ??

5x114.3 - and SOLD