1991 silvia coupe rolling shell

very good…

I’ll bid 900

take the 900 and run

thanks for the offers. picked up a sr for it last night. Not for sale anymore!im keeping it for now.

Why do new people always sign up to SON just to sell something, get people interested and then say “Im getting a SR for it so I am keeping it”. We need a rule that makes you post like 50 productive post to unlock the ability to post something for sale!!

lol true

^ what a dink.
Nice car fair price GLWS


i actully joined sons looking for parts then my buddy decided he was going to sell his s14 and i wanted it. figured this would be the place to sell it and not get a million retarded offers. wasnt the interest i was looking for so i decided to keep it and buy my buddys s14 and continue my build. and so now im on sons looking for parts