1995 240sx FSM hardcopy

looking for a 95 Nissan service manual here…

hoping someone will ship it to me for a grand total of $75? anyone

I am in cambridge

put the electronic copy of the 95 FSM on a usb key and go to staples and tell them to print it out like a book and staple it for you and just add a cover and you good to go. It will defiantly cost you less than $75.


do what her said ^^

I did that for my s13 and it was cheep. Plus i just took it to a work printer and did it their for free. Then i hole punched it and put all the pages in 5 2" bunders.

Love it, then you can take one sheet out as you need it.

5 - 2" binders

wow that sounds like a great idea VS. 1 book 1/2 the size of the yellow pages, really thikn about it, 1 (nearly) fits in the glove box the other is the size of a case of beer.

You could always have the pages printed front and back and that way it’ll be half the paper usage and half the overall size.

So hows 5’’ vs 10’’ :wink:

just d/l go to school and print the shit out! FREE

Do you guys have no respect for a fine piece of litterature?

You have obviously not had the pleaseure of leafing through a hard copy while working on your car.

You can save a tree or 2 and print out 2 pages per side, double-sided (4 pages per sheet).

A big advantage of having a copy printed is that you can get plastic cover on your page so your greasy hands won’t fill your “FSM”.

KA-T.org - you can download it from this site

yeah what he said. books always work, (unless you’ve had a stroke recently) interweb sucks

theo find yourself the 97 edition, and sell me yours…

I was onto one with that link you gave me, but the guy dried up…

I was close!

hmm i got one from Peterborough Nissan…gave it to me free:D they had a full box of them in storage collecting dust hahaha…

If i find it ill send her out, but we just moved and i have nooo idea where it is…

If anyone needs the them, here is a link:

download a fsm save it on your laptop. or portable device that can open it.

holy fuck.

I want a hardcopy.

I am aware that I can download and view the FSM.

However books are better. I guess its something you’d know if you were born before 1985

I keep books in my car, to kill time, this would be another prime example for this,

thanks I have an S13 FSM. looking for S14/1995 prefered

ok someone has posted a link on here for a 95 240sx service manual online. just down load the files, save them and take the file to staples and print it off for $20. If you dont want to do that, then ill do it for you, for the Price listed above and will ship it to you.

Thats what i did for my s13 and it works amazing. you can pull papers out of the binder as you need it. so if you drop oil on the page, its only the one, not the entire book.

Lets talk threw pm

It was a '95 FSM, that’s all they had, im back home tomorrow ill look around.
