2-13-07 Mad L33t Drifto Meet

Just don’t over use the spot. :wink:

everything was patchy as hell last night - tried going out but most lots sucked balls. Then got chased out of EH mall :stuck_out_tongue:

The streets were fun though

its all good…next time

we had one good lot.

ugh…i wanna go but i almost killed my truck at the last one… but off roading thru the snow at the mckinley mall was fun… :lol:

a broken front cv joint is killing me

edit:just notcied the date was for last night

ya, the back half of that one was decent :tup:

You get a chance to check out the footage? Still dunno how the fuck my camera was dead >:

Good times

nothing beats our spot from last year in south buffalo…till the put a fence up on each side of the building

there was about 30 seconds of usable footage, i think there may have been some operator error…

Yeah, Tom had the record/standby functions backwards I think…

i was too fucking cold.

next time im bringing some damn gloves.

i blew both rear struts in the sentra. FUCK. no more drifto for me

conditions in lots were kinda crappy, i like less snow so I can see when going sideways. I kept turning my wipers off, then would get 2" of snow on my windshield mid drift and it would get all F’ed up. Nice cruise tho, I LOVE WINTER! I’ll post some crappy pics my buddy took when I stop being a noob and learn how to do it :retard:

I told you I had a pair of gloves you could have worn ! :rofl:

Jesus, how many curbs did u hit??? That’s rediculous!

Yeah nice meeting you. The WRX sounds sick, I just left my wipers on full and it seemed to work most of the time.

Anyone up for tonight again?

last night kinda sucked. the lots were all patchy. but the roads were good tho
i think i might have broken something on my beater too. but it might just be because my engine bay is caked in snow:gotme:

none, it was hitting dry patches while sliding sideways that got me.

sounds like i missed a great time :bloated: