2/19 Lunch in Schenectady @ Slick's!

Let’s do it, Steve, Shady, Tricia, Pete, whoever else…if you need directions LMK, what time’s good for everybody?..I’d prefer earlier like 11-1130ish but I’m on a pretty fucked up schedule :rofl so if you guys need it to be later so be it.

I’m across the st. (from you) I should attend.

Do it!

You ever been to Slick’s? It’s pretty serious. Plan to not shit for 2-3 days if you finish a sandwich.

why what is it one

Im down for 11:30-12ish…

I gotta go to hunts and meet Adam so im kind of on a tight schedule…

That’s cool, I only have like 20-30 mins for lunch.

I can go whenever.

i prolly cant get there till about 12 or so…

Nick ill be there around 12…

you gonna come

ok I lied, I may not be able to come, aparently my boss decided to go to his siters in laws for today and tommorow, and im the only one here, so i cant take the rest of the day off…

Fuck my life

I’m kinda busy but fuck it, Slicks sounds too good, I can do 11:30.

That sucks ballz.

I brought my lunch, but I suppose if there is a gang of people going i’d prob end up going.

I’m still down

you go Steve


I don’t care, I had slicks the other week and I don’t think I’m mentally prepared yet to take another massive shit.

I’m sorry what?

Fuck :rofl

No but really, lemme know. I’m definitely still down.

Haha! WTF is right!

I can go, I was just saying it’s going to be mentally difficult when I commit to the porcelain thrown later.
