2 girls 1 cup

This is not the original, and you have have been fooled into watching it as I have… this is a MUST see!

I repeat this is NOT the original, if it is, you can castrate me.

not gunna lie i def puked when i seen the vid

This aint the vid, this is actually FUNNY!

the original is just nastyy



this is alright.

Edit: I guess you could say that link was shitty.

btw: i banned the guy that posted that link in car chat.

the original is hot

i love that shit

So wait a minute here. Are you guys saying that you never do that?

ohh sorry i was one of the ppl who saw this and thought WTF? so i had to find the link and post it… anywho long story short i thought it was a anything goes after bings nasty porn video a while back… sorry guys… haha

I’m a fan of poo and I am sure that I do not even want to watch this.

It makes me want to poop in Bings new toilet even more now…

Car chat, sure I’ll insta-ban.

Member chat… we did have nutta leave all kinds of easter eggs of gross pr0n, so no, i won’t ban. I wouldn’t want to click on it so i edited your post… other mods won’t edit or care.

yeah lol i dident realy want to ither but im sure were all 18+ (members atleast) lol and i thought there mayyy be other ppl who dont know whats going on ither lol

I saw the real one on friday, and man are they fucked up, this video is funny.