2 Infiniti Audio 12" subs with Clarion amp

2 Infinity 12" subs in carpeted box with a 400w Clarion amp.

Very loud with great quality for what they are.

Let me know what you will pay!

Please include some contact information in the original post

If they’re not sold yet give me a call… I believe you have my contact information. If you can figure out who this is… shouldn’t be too hard.

you can contact me thorugh this post…

they are not sold yet boob are you instrested?

Apparently I am not as sneaky as I had hoped to be… I would say I am semi interested as of now, I need to take a look at whats involved in installing it so on and so on. My car is pretty gay and I guess you can’t just hook shit up like in any other car. I’ll let u know though.

your hot rod should have a factory amp which make instalation a pain in the ass. if your looking to do something be ready to get clubbed over the head with labor times… or replace you factory head unit maybe?