2 Tickets to Honda Indy in Toronto 7/18-7/20

I have 2 tickets and Paddock passes for the Indy races up in Toronto this weekend.

Both days are at start/finish line. Saturday’s race Row 3 seats 31 and 32. Sunday’s race Row 6 seats 17 and 18.

Paddock passes are for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. (The garage area)

I am not sure if I can go anymore so I figured I would post them up to see if there is any interest. Retail on the pair is around $400. Throw me an offer and let’s make a deal. 7 one 6 - nine nine 7 - seven zero 2 six.

I am at work in north Tonawanda until around 8pm tonight and live down in Boston so we can work out pickup/delivery.*
