20 Black kids beat down a US Marine and his wife at the movies..

Im so fuckin racist and this isn’t helping… fucking ni993r$ should be hung…



I had a bigger pic but this site sensors a certain word that was used in the pic name.


can we get a offsection for white power groups ? i think it will be a hit .

if not go here ., i love these sites





This actually makes me angery. THis is one of the reasons why I want my carry concealed permit. I have to say if I saw this happening as a bystander and was armed I probably would have shot the coons once they knocked the guy down.



good ol North American Pavement Apes!!!

FYI, both Crossgates and Colonie center have a no weapons sign posted even with permit. It’s small, so you can just say you didn’t see it. :ninja

Also, pulling a manuever like that, unfortunately would put you in jail. You may be able to get away with that in TX though. NYS bullshit law system.

right, thats why i DONT want to carry a gun.

the wife was cute, im glad her face didnt get damaged :smiley:

Stupid ni99ers. I would love to punch the everloving fuck-christ out of their dark brown faces.

Let’s hang some ropes!

I believe it would depend on how far the assailant took it. I’m not 100% sure, but I think it would still count as justifiable if a male knocks a female unconcious to use deadly force. They would be showing possible intention to kill the women and even in this overly liberal state you could probably get away with it. The likelyhood of something like that going to trial is also remote, I dont know about you but I can’t think of anybody that would find somebody guilty for defending a husband and wife from a pack of … That being said I serriously hope to never be in that kind of situation.

unless the judge and majority of the jury are ni9s themselves, then your fucked lol

I have a feeling if something to that effect ever did happen it would probably end in a misstrial due to hung jury if they could even manage to find a jury that they deemed impartial enough. Either way not something anybody in their right mind wants to have happen.

Good Sites. Good view points on stormfront.