20 Black kids beat down a US Marine and his wife at the movies..

I really dont know. I am sure its suposed to be some equal force type of rule. In my eyes, 20 men, black or not, VS me and my wife = I am in fear for my life and atleast saftey so… click, clack, BANG BANG BANG the moment she or I was struck. BUT you know some word twisting law dicks would say, fists dont equal guns no matter if it were 2 fists or 40.

its actually scary. I am not the biggest kid by anymeans! lol far stretch actually. And shit like this makes me stay at home like a little bitch. until I am permited, and know the law inside and out.

I like my red laces… that is all

This theater has had issues since it opened. I can’t tell you how many fights I have seen there (in and out of the theater) and how many cars get broken into. They have “security” that is suppose to be there every night and is hardly ever actually there.

i wouldnt think twice about taking a gun and sticking it in all the kids mouths one by one and pulling the trigger. karmas a bitch and i hope they all get worse in return, hope they all get curb stomped, the little fucking worth less *******