When i hauled 20-25 ton coils strapped suicide, made me nervous everytime someone pulled out in front of me. FMCSA says 1 chain can support 10,000 pounds. Seen plenty of guys just use the bare minimum 4 chains for 40,000
That where chained on the outside of the rub rail. hence using the rub rail for holding coil :rolleyes:
I used 8, only takes a few more minutes:rofl:
Tarping wasn’t bad, just the weak ass strings that where on thier.
I learned my lesson not to use them. rolling west on I-70 after smithton seen the tarp flapping crazy. pull on the shoulder couldnt find an off ramp.
ran over the rear part of the tarp. had to roll backwards :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
Traffic zooming by, thought i was gonna get killed for a stupid tarp.
Bought 50 heavy duty bungee cords and ripped off all the strings. the bungees ended that crap :nuts:
I’ve honestly never even payed attention to it, and that’s odd for me. I usually notice quirky things like that. I just heard my mom refer to it today as a “suicidal roll” and wasn’t sure if that was something she made up, or it was a term other people actually used.