20 ton coil kills girl


When i hauled 20-25 ton coils strapped suicide, made me nervous everytime someone pulled out in front of me. FMCSA says 1 chain can support 10,000 pounds. Seen plenty of guys just use the bare minimum 4 chains for 40,000
That where chained on the outside of the rub rail. hence using the rub rail for holding coil :rolleyes:
I used 8, only takes a few more minutes:rofl:


That’s a shame.


but the truck drivers are always at fault in whatever happens

PS Fuck flat beds tarps and actually doing work

yep feel bad for the family but she ran a flashing red light. she doesnt do that. there is no accident.

before i looked at the article i knew it was the girls fault…sadly enough…

Tarping wasn’t bad, just the weak ass strings that where on thier.
I learned my lesson not to use them. rolling west on I-70 after smithton seen the tarp flapping crazy. pull on the shoulder couldnt find an off ramp.
ran over the rear part of the tarp. had to roll backwards :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
Traffic zooming by, thought i was gonna get killed for a stupid tarp.

Bought 50 heavy duty bungee cords and ripped off all the strings. the bungees ended that crap :nuts:

Isn’t it called a “suicide roll” when you strap it down so that it can roll towards the cab? Just curious

when have you seen it strapped otherwise? These coils roll out of irvin works daily on trucks strapped the exact same way…

Theirs 3 ways.

  • Shotgun ( rolls sideways )
  • Suicide ( rolls forward/backward )
  • Eye in the sky ( self explanatory )

For me, eye in the sky took some time to learn. wasn’t used much at all.
It’s sometimes easier for some places to unload certain ways.

I never cared either ways.

Wow, that is sad.

Her dad is a state cop too.

sad…and dumb

If it was a car, she might have gotten away from it, but you ain’t stoppin’ a semi moving 40,000 lbs… Surprised they all didn’t die.

Damn. Sad.

I’ve honestly never even payed attention to it, and that’s odd for me. I usually notice quirky things like that. I just heard my mom refer to it today as a “suicidal roll” and wasn’t sure if that was something she made up, or it was a term other people actually used.

happened 5 minutes from my house. couple of people I work with have kids that were on the cheerleading squad with her.

wow thats sad man i hate seein young people die

both at fault in my books. she shouldn’t have run the light and more straps should have been used.

either way, still sad to see.

I only started paying attention th the coils when i started working for USS…other than that i never payed attention to them either

Sad :frowning: