2000 Acura Integra


Mileage? And I doubt a clean 240 worth 3-5k is going to trade for a 2000$ integra.


if people like you didn’t destroy every single clean 240 out there… they wouldn’t be worth 3-5k to begin with.

Please humour me and tell me how I destroyed a clean 240. This I GOTTA hear. Feel free to post up with some details, or inbox me. If I am sweeping piles of rust off the floor after, it wasn’t clean. I would probably be the LAST person to fuck up a good car. Unless a car with no floor holds some value to you, then my sincerest apologies. Thought we had this discussion before? lol

I’ve got a better idea…

let’s not.

Purdy car. Looks like u could eat off that motor Mmmmm!

Are you serious ?

i had bacon off of it the other day.

if someone comes to me wih a 4000$ coupe, ill put cash on top of the car. thank you for your concern chirps_corner

^HA! I see what you did there. Nice. :). Glws!!

post price

Ill trade for something other then a 240.

Keep it drive it into the ground. With that mileage you be lucky to get 1000. These get traded in at work all day for 400$.

i prob will, thought i would throw it on the boards and see what happens.

4 doors would be nice.

cut the springs and put enkei 92s on it and im sure you could get something for it

^ You’d maybe get the value of the rims and any gas that’s in it

2k is not unreasonable for a clean late model integra. Your just posting it in the wrong place


change of mind. im going to keep this one.

admins can you please lock this up.