2000 Civic Si oem head lights

like the title says, pair of 2000 em1 head lights 71k when taken off car, no cracks and in great shape. Direct drop in on 99 body as well. sorry for no pics hope to have some up soon but figured most pple know what these look like. $100







some one GRAB these

someone GRAB these

how much for the impala

hahha idk youd have to ask the Schoharie County Heath Dept. its my dads county work car


any one wanna make an offer


35 bucks

50 and there yours, but i dont think your serious lol

when i get paid next week ill take them for 50 my driverside head ligth is all fogged up and now tunred yelloowish

Chris is coming out to get them but if he passes their yours kid

this price is outrageous, how do you sleep at night? knowing that your ripping off the community with these outrageously high prices on nice clean oem stuff.

Chris is a baller, i can rip him off

SOLD, lock it up