2000 z28 camaro $5000

Ill talk to my friend about this car. He wants something to fuck around in.

What did you paint the car with? Im sure he’d want to paint it and he does painting but if its something that cant easily be painted over with basecoat/clearcoat he might not want to bother.

Rattle can

Yeah, but certain kinds can be sanded down and painted over like the Duplicolor stuff.

You can sand down any paint paul.

Yeah but sometimes theres reactions and shit that make it hard to paint over certain paints. Fisheyes, etc.

Yea if you suck there is. Call cameo and see what paint he used

jesus CHRIST, paul

Doesnt matter what kind of paint was used as long as you sand it down to the factory clear and use a good grease&wax cleaner before re-spraying it. Any half competent auto-body tech should be able to do it no prob.

cameos car aint painted yet …at least as of noon today

fisheyes: put the first coat on way to wet…
reactions: put on to wet…

like adam says any that has half a brain can spray over another color. only problem is that pauls cars black like mine so it’d have to be seal cuz otherwise any “light” color will look like shit over black. Doesnt matter what brand of paint or quality level if you know what your doing you can use any brand or quality, yes the better quality the more forgiving but if you fuck it up you fuck it up there is no invinsible perfect paint.

mine is getting seal durin the weak (white) so it’ll definately be a step closer.:thumbup

cameo paint next weeknd?

getting sealed during this week Ill stop buy to show ya it’ll be white then paint on the weekend yes!:wow

you’ve been saying “paint this week” for 3+ weeks

wanna put $$$ this time bro…:thumbup

i could care less im just saying that i believe you less and less every week lol

thats good It makes for a bigger supprise…:thumbup

ok guys this plafs f/s topic let it be

not really

and bump for my favorite local camaro (pauls)

bump, and paul it was rattled canned flat black, not sure if that helps your buddy or not

Does it have T-tops?

I called him and he wants either t tops or a convertible. He wasnt too thrilled with the flat black paint job.