2001 BMW M5, 85k miles, black/black

Ok, and now it’s ready to go. Detailed @DetailWNY, serviced, title now in hand.

What a marvelous machine, looks stunning! GLWS Jason.

Looks terrific! Great seller/guy…

No panels have ever been painted, since new. Paint thickness maps:

Learned something new. Never knew paint thickness maps were a thing. :tup:

Mike (Auto Aesthetica) will always do them before performing a paint correction/restoration to get an idea of where the high/low spots are, to see how aggressive he can get if necessary, to avoid surprises, and so on. Also a great way of determining if there was ever paint work on the car. This will always tell you.


Sweet fucking baby Jesus…

Pretty much my reaction when I opened up this morning. Mike worked on it through the night. Probably did a total of 50 hours on it?

Mike is the master. I wish I had something worth taking to him to work his magic on.

GLWS. I so wish I could make a deal on this right now…

His work makes me not hate the idea of buying a black car…lol

I hope this sells quick for you.

Ulterior motive? :slight_smile:

Factual statement for sure :slight_smile:

Absolutely gorgeous!!!

And now sold

Buy the e55! Lol

I knew that was coming. Oddly, I almost had a guy convinced to trade me straight across for an E55 wagon, which I would have also sold.

But no, I want it, but can’t. Still working on the eliminate debt plan. Gotta stick with it.

E55 Wagons are a hot commodity.

Congrats on the sale…also looks like the E55 will be finding a new home soon as well.

Congrats on yours