2001 Honda Civic EX with studded winterforce *LOWERED PRICE*

195/75 r14 firestone winterforce
185/65 r15 sonar s-665 summers

ill take the snows if buyer dosnt want em.

I’ll let ya know. I’m amazed there’s no real bites on this thing yet. I’ll be surprised if they pass on the snows though.

Sick of her sitting in the garage, so I drove her to work today. She’s a fun car to drive…BUMP!

Cmon…we’re in a temporary bull market, spend some cash while ya can. :wink:
Bump TTT

I’m sick of getting in a car with a frozen engine block on cold days. I want this out so I can park the car I drive in my garage. LOL

New week…bump.
Amazed this hasn’t gotten much interest.

How about $4,300 or B/O


Renewed ad. Tough market it seems. Has me 2nd guessing my mid term bullish stance on the stock market. LOL.

Price is now pretty much as low as it goes. I don’t need to sell and I’d keep her if I have to. I used her last week when the Subaru was giving me issues and I remembered why I love Civ’s. FUN to drive!


Not really looking for trades. If the deal was right I might so throw it out there. Worst I can say is no. :wink:

Bump! If we don’t spend, the economy suffers. :stuck_out_tongue:

Money talks and bullshit walks.
Why be bullshit and walk when you can be driving in this Civic for $4k?

Yup…$4k cash is my new and final bottom line NYspeed price. Anything less and I’ll keep it so no lowball horseshit please. :slight_smile:

I’ve shown my hand…now come take this off my hands. :wink:

Now listed in Roc as well as Buffalo with a fresh ad.

hmm interesting

Basically because the Civic is in such good shape I don’t want to park it outside in the hail/snow. So I park my DD Subaru out there and have to brush it off and defrost it every snowy am. It’s a hassle and I just want my garage bay free. I won’t go lower than $4k just to have convenient parking. :wink:

LMAO. Just had an email and called them back.
Some guy in Syracuse offered $3k cash. ZOMG…deal or no deal?
“The mileage is up there”. I wished him luck on his quest for a $3k civic with low miles in anywhere near the shape this is in. If I had a crack habit I’d maybe take him up on his lowball. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shit I’ll give ya 3k.

you replaced interior???:picard:


anyways, I can vouch for this car… EXCELLENT CAR, well from what I had it is was, and I’m sure the current owner did as well :gotme:

LOL. Yeah…technically I didn’t replace the interior. But it was recently replaced and sounds better if I say this as the current owner/seller. Though to be honest I wonder if that interior part is scaring people away. HRMMM. I’ve seen hack jobs so maybe they thing this is shotty work.

This is a solid ride. I drove it to the gym tonight and shit is smooth. Nothing shotty about it. I appreciate the vouching, I’d do the same for you and your ability to install fresh interior as well. :wink:

people who know me, know i dont do shotty jobs or half @$$, i take pride in my work, ad everything else… just take a look at my bike for sale lol, just listed… but def. a sexy car… glws

Finally…a test driver today. They liked it so we’ll see what’s up. :slight_smile: