lol… maybe anthony… im out of town too.
So, you paid way less for a car that was WAY older?
This isn’t a 7 year old GM, it has resale value.
You act like I haven’t owned 4 Subaru’s.
I know what the resale is, but regardless paying $2750 for something with 233k on it’s ridiculous. GLWS.
Sobo…I have probably owned more subaru then all of your perviously owned car all together. I know what then are worth even with the mileage. I price them accordingly. If you can find me a subaru 2002 impreza that with clean title and inspectable. That is under 3k I would give u some consideration but please don’t cludder the thread with your non interested comments.
Bump for offers…
After letting the car sitting for the last month car now idles rough with check engine light. PRice reduced to $2500.
2000$ and my 94 toyota pickup 4x4 115xxx miles
looks like this:
picture doesnt work.
and i might be able to do that.
Ok I got the check engine light scanned its the P0341 Code agian even though i installed a brand new cam sensor…now im just confused.
I did drop the cam sensor before the install, so with my luck i probably defected it on impact.
I have given up on this
The power steering seems a little stiff also looks like it needs a new pump.
another reason to not keep the car off the road.
Rear Struts have been fixed with new struts installed.
Yeah i dont know man i need a car up and ready for winter i can get like 1500$ for my truck and keep the 2k and prob get something all set and ready to go for winter.
this is my truck, just took some pics today.
That p/u got any rust?
Nope only has seen one winter it’s from south carolina.
Just surface rust from a few dents on the bumper.
I cant seem to get the car started now.
So Car is now NOT RUNNING and my wife hate me spending all my time on it so it must go let me know im asking $1900!!!
It Cranks and backfire but will not start i have given up on it so im selling it as a parts car/motor swap canidate.
sounds like the timing is off.
the timing was just set so it wouldnt be that i tired to figure it out for 2 days im too tired of it not gonna waste anymore of my time.
Need this shit gone!!!
Bump!!! for new price need it gone asap
So what’s the deal with the motor?
what you mean? the motor has a bent valve no compression on right side of the motor.