Ok my cousin has a 2003 g35 infiniti all black 4door with a 05 front end black leather interior navigation system he’s askin 8500 or b/o text for pics and more info 7169512331
worst for sale add ever how many miles
auto? was the front end in an accident?
fix or lock. This is ridiculous.
Not the first one either.
you or your cousin seems to be selling a different car on here every week are you guys dealers…?
I jus posting for them cause there trying to get rid of their stuff if ur not interested then why are you worried…I gave u the number so u can ask what you want to know I knw as much as I’m telling you.
No were not dealers but you know what we should have a dealer since we do smany deals and end up always winning
talking about you “winning” isn’t a great way to sell a 9000 car. try a different game plan. everyone is going to think you are trying to screw them. thats what i thought. i would add pics and more info.
you actually have to become a dealer if you sell more than six cars a year (legally)
when you put up a FS thread the liability is on you to answer questions, don’t like it then don’t post FS threads here.
HAHAHA. That video was so fitting of this thread. EPIC win!
He has this up and 2 other cars up and a bike, posted within a week of each other. These are the scumbags that need to stay on craigslist, not here.
I am locking this and giving you your first warning to start posting up useful/productive/more better for sale threads.
“yo my boy has this car for sale it’s a 03 ford focus and sweet. this is his number call him.” will not suffice for a auto for sale thread around here. If you need example and help with how do do this PM me and let me know or just search around for some of the many well thought out car for sale threads.
Thank you and have a nice day.