2008 Pontiac GTO

i think the GTO is as much better for the money over the stang. the engine has alot more power w/ high quality interior. the stang is a nice car, but the gto is a step above. ppl may like the looks of the stang better, but i think u get what u pay for when it comes to quality and performance.


making a difference of 6k dollars…not 7k-10k like u say

not what i’ve seen…

GT ---- MSRP of a tad under 26K
GTO----MSRP a little over 34K

so thats like 8K or so.

and still 6K is a big deal too

mid 30’s is pricy…thats around the same price as a g35…I know its not a “fast” as the almighty GTO, but & i’d take a g35 hands down anyday over a GTO.

GTO’s only come 1 way, fully loaded

so compare fully loaded GT 5spd to fully loaded GTO 6spd

GT 5spd is $28,600
GTO 6spd is $33,600

GTO weighs 275lbs more give or take, has 100hp advantage, and 80tq. Much better fit and finish, and interior

Independant Rear, better ride, etc etc

there is no doubt in my mind that i posted this as soon as his name was changed… didn’t you remember cobra’s were the fit and finish of a BMW and the suspension tuning of a lambo… b ut now the GTO has been passed the torch.

Far from it… Cobras had the same old Mustang interior, but with leather, and seude seats.

The suspension did rival some euro cars, but nothing near exotic.

You sure do exagerate a lot

i still haven’t seen them listed under 34, but maybe they are now cause they are not selling & dealer what to get rid of them :dunno:

but i’ll say it again…there is a big difference in a car under 30K & one over 30K

mid 30’s is pricy…thats around the same price as a g35…I know its not as “fast” as the almighty GTO, but & i’d take a g35 hands down anyday over a GTO.

uhhh… sticker on my GTO was $33,690, you’re either blind, or been looking at automatics, which are $34,250

and the G35 is a pussy car compared to the stang or gto



oh, the irony. :smiley:


well since i didn’t see your sticker then i wouldn’t know would I???

I’m gong by one 6speed i saw in the mall a while back & MSRP’s listed online

& 6k is still a big deal…

call the g35 a pussy if you want…but its much “nicer” then a GTO or stang anyday.

i’m not a huge fan of any of the 3 but like i said…if i had to pick it would be g35 hands down.

There is a small pontiac dealer down the street from my house…They have an 04 black Auto and I think they where asking like 25-26k for it. Its a year older but thats a big drop in price from 1 year

that’s because it’sa POS and noone wants one - it’s kinda like the camaro in that respect. :blue:

different less powerful engine and less agressive styling is prob the reason why :ugh:

That screams Mitsubishi Diamante!!! fGM!!!

Its still a GTO…styling changed what they just added hood scoops on the 05…Everything else looks the same to me.
I think they sold it though cause it sat outside everyday for like 3-4months or they traded it off to another dealer

still…what would u expect them to ask over 30 for it? for as much as was changed from 04 to 05, noone is gonna pay that much for the 04. ya, its still a gto and ya, its only 1 year but the changes r significant and the 04s sold like shit to begin with.

Doesnt really matter to me…I was just telling about the one near me