Care of Terra2Imports! 600+ quality pictures! Click on ‘more sizes’ to view larger (almost desktop sized) resolutions of any pictures.
Care of Terra2Imports! 600+ quality pictures! Click on ‘more sizes’ to view larger (almost desktop sized) resolutions of any pictures.
Okay, since you people need incentive for some odd reason to wanna see some RIDICULOUS cars… I’ll post some pics from the link.
Won’t let me post pics… But they are all there. Click the goddamned links you e-tards!
dont cry
Hahahahahhaha, what a shot!
Way to pull that one out man!
I liked the GTR’s.
And hey, you’re the first person on SON to spell “ridiculous” correctly haha!
I pride myself in my grammatic and spelling skills. Also ridiculous is one of my favorite words haha.