2009 Waterfest 15

word dawg!

tell ty his fat ass needs to attend as well.

Not sure if Justin would be willing to go.
I made him take off the 15/16 with me.
And he works Saturday, so that would be another day off.

Yea right, there’s no chance he’ll go. He’s too good for a volkswagen show.

do u have any girlfriends? i mean im going to get a huge room. as big as possible so a spot on the floor might be available.

yea man wtf? he turned into this prim and proper asshat.

I’ll see what’s up.
Plus, a ride down is a problem.
I don’t trust the Eclipse at all to make that trip.

well im taking the zed i think.

madddd boost.

8 psi. um…ok :wierd

Let me know how much the room will be E

I know it, who woulda thought him too!? Crazy!

You should come to Brown’s sometime with me and Scott. Me, Scott, and his buddy from work Palmo go every Thursday.

i know man!!! I was supposed to meet him there a few weeks ago but when i got home from my overtime there was a ufc on that i wanted to watch.

Maybe friday night i can meet u guys over there. But i have to work saturday morning so cant stay out too late.

my uncle lives 25-30 minutes away in asbury park so i’m innnnnnnnn

where is assberry park? is that off of shitstain lane?



ASSbury park linky

just a nice little town, used to be REALLY rundown in the 80’s and 90’s but it’s turning around a little bit. has a nice new boardwalk

also the home of bruce springsteen, FYI :lol

Still pretty shitty.

Stone Pony FTW.


Ever been there in the off season?

nope. in the summer we go down there the see them, in the winter, they come up here to see us :smiley: