Here we are peep’s and peepettes!!! YEAR 6!!! We’ve got a new venue for this year’s event, which is still located in the same town as last year’s event, in Albion, N.Y. This year’s event will be held at BULLARD PARK, and helping sponsor the event is the American Legion of Albion, N.Y. which helped supply the Insurance money needed for the event and location! Below is an attatched link from GOOGLE to show where the park is located. We will be having a food vendor this year, and I will start asking around to see what kind of Parts companies that may want to set up some booths!

Also, if ANY PEOPLE ATTENDING would like to bring any PARTS that you would like to try and sell at the event, YOU ARE MORE THAN WELCOME TO DO IT!!!

MAP LINK FROM GOOGLE: http://maps.google.com/maps?rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&oe=UTF-8&rlz=1I7GGLL_en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=bullard+park+albion+ny&fb=1&gl=us&hq=bullard+park+albion+ny&hnear=bullard+park+albion+ny&cid=0,0,5729623532707971839&ei=WENcTNOyIoH98AbWzpnfAg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQnwIwAA

If the event goes well this year at this new location, I will have NO PROBLEM locking it down as the permanent future location for all future meets! So, that being said, please be respectfull at this event (I.E. NO Burnouts, NO revving of engines, NO speeding through the park, and NO littering, there will be PLENTY of garbage cans on hand for the event.) Overall, just don’t be a jerk!!!

SPREAD THE WORD PEEPS!!! COME ONE, COME ALL!!! This event originated through Honda-Tech, but that doesnt have to mean that it is HONDA’S ONLY! ANY MAKES AND MODELS are MORE THAN WELCOME TO SHOW UP!!! Last year we had an EVO, an ELISE, and a couple of VW’s. THE MORE, THE MERRIER!!! Cant wait for it!!! Gonna be a good time!!!
So save the date, and I hope to see you all again, and more of you this time around!!!

***UPDATE!!! 9/3 Local radio station 89.1 THE POINT will be doing a LIVE BROADCAST from the event this year!!!

***UPDATE!!! 9/10 ALLN1MOTORSPORTS and MUFFLERMAN have confirmed that they will be part of the VENDORS this year! The AMERICAN LEGION of ALBION will be serving Soda/Water/Hamburgers/Hotdogs at the event as well!


*Sunday, SEPT 19th
*2 p.m. till 6 p.m.
*Bullard Park in Albion, N.Y. 14411

FOR GPS/MAPQUEST/ETC USERS: USE THIS ADDRESS for a reference point (its right across the street from the event.) 506 EAST AVE. Albion, NY 14411

Its about an hour EAST of Buffalo, and about 45 minutes WEST of Rochester, 25 minutes NORTH of the I-90, and about 10 minutes south of Lake Ontario. Should be a great time! Hit me up (pm me) if you are going to attend so I can get a list of attendees going!

I will be there, along with 3 buddies (1 CRX, 1 Del Sol, 1 old school Integra) and my D60!

Good job Mike for organizing this event again! Should be a great turnout!!!

I’m in. Even tho my crx won’t make it this year

I’m in for this.

Also going.

Let’s set up a cruise at like 130?

I won’t be cruising up with anyone, I’ll be coming from a friends welcome back from iraq party.

Thanks Deni!

Cant wait guys!!! Please help spread the word! The more the merrier!!! Come one, come all!!!

i was planing on settin up a meet around 12:30 1 o’clock at southgate for the cruise up there

Update! Local radio station 89.1 THE POINT will be broadcasting LIVE from the event this year!!!

I wish i could make it but it’s pretty difficult to call off on a time and a half day at work

im in for cruise

awsome so seeing as its comeing up soon and fast… for every one cruiseing up wit me what do people thing about meets up at southgate ? for the cruise

Is this park dog friendly?

Im pretty sure it is (being that they hold dog shows there once in a while) BUT, let me check on that this week and as soon as I find out Ill let you know!!!

Sounds good to me, what time?

Vendor update on first post!!

is there any offical times to meet up and cruise?

Any info on bringin the pooches?