Myself and a few others from auburn will be coming out for this, hoping to see a good turn out :slight_smile:

ok then so then every one who is meeting at southgate with me try and be there by 1:15… then itsover my grope will be there a lil bit after 1:15… sound good

wait… is the final gathering at the galleria or at south gate? im confused.

Hondakid’s group is meeting up at southgate at 12, or 12:30, then they’re cruising to the Galleria,
8thCivic’s group is grabbing lunch, then meeting us at the Galleria.
There also may be a group of S2000’s from Toronto meeting up with us.

So Galleria, starting at 1:00PM is the final meeting spot

Is everyone down for back roads or what?

EDIT: Maps of where we will be meeting:

ill be there with about 8 other hondas all of which are way better looking then mine :frowning: and better mpgs :slight_smile:

ok i guess we’ll just meet up with you guys at the galleria then at 1

3 DAYS!!! Partly cloudy, 65, 10% precip. AW YEAH!!!

I guess the Toronto guys are out, as far as the cruise there goes. They’re going to head up at 3:00PM. They want to meet up Saturday night though if anyone wants to have a meet at Walden Mighty.

Can we get a head count on people that are going to be meeting up on Sunday for the cruise there, just so that we don’t leave without anyone?

So far we have myself, along with:
1)Hondakid +crew
2)8thcivic +crew
3)Skurge +crew
6)Gennaro +crew
7)Oasis 24-7

oasis24-7 is part of my group also


i’ll be there at 1 with a crx and an accord. its lookin like RAIN though! im assuming there isnt a rain date or anything?right?

Although the forecast in Buffalo calls for showers, there is only a 30% chance of showers there all day. And, it’s going to be clear for the first half of the day.

So far we have myself, along with:
1)Hondakid +crew
2)8thcivic +crew
3)Skurge +crew
6)Gennaro +crew
7)Oasis 24-7
8)mtg +2

I’m going to try and get some of my friends in on this to meet for the cruise. If i didn’t make dumb mistakes i would be driving my civic…ugh

Sounds good. What happened to the Civic?

Rain has already came and left the building!!! We are all clear for this afternoon!

See you all in a few hours!!! :slight_smile:

ok my group for southgate be there by 1

hi guys sorry but my group dont wanna cruise up there with everybody i guess see u guys there, ill be in acura TL

see you guys at the mall at 1!

Yessir. Sears @1

ill be there