2010 Blown Euros meet?

When is it this year? trying to make sure i dont book Business Travel that week

knowing them it will probably be like jan15 long before anyone with a decent build can even show there car.:fail:

Im sure it will be around april 1st time again. But i dont believe there is a definite date yet on Revmatch.ch yet.

Edit: MPD confirmed, No definite date, talks are of late march.

fuck! i hope i have a new euro to bring in time otherwise ill be taking the tdi…

I will be there probably in the M5.

hmm. never been to this before. where is it?

lol if i dont have a car then im going to need to reserve a seat in the bmw…

I’ll be there in the M3

Walker, you better have a p-car by then!

Meet is always in the Newtown PA area, last year we held it a week later and had 1000+ cars show up. It’ll be about the same time as last year (April 1st or so), we’ve started planning but don’t have anything confirmed yet due to figuring out some scheduling conflicts. (We’d prefer not to be on the same day as Show N Go again). We’re working on a potentially an on site dyno and some other stuff. I’ll post it up as soon as we have more info.

hmm, my unemployed ass might have to venture down in the m5.

This sounds like a good time. I might have to check it out

sounds good :tup:


BUmp? any news?

Show n go is 4/18 so I’m assuming Blown Euros is either the weekend before or the weekend after?

Show N Go is the 11th not the 18th. We are tentatively shooting for the 18th… but nothing is official yet.

Ugh I should have my car completed before then… I hope. :frowning:

:tup: looking forward to it. Hopefully no snow leaving NY this time.

Meh I have direzzas on both cars snow ain’t got shit on me.

Yeah no shit haha