2010 camaro SS`

It’s a 'chop, you can tell from teh pixels.


nice mac… let me know when you start beating on it :slight_smile:

lol you got me

last I saw he had like 150 miles left to “break it in”

Pic with a penny!

Pic with tits or :bsflag:

you wanna see my tits?

Not pointing any fingers so don’t trash me… just thought this was funny and fits right in to this thread…


GM pitches Chevrolet Camaro to gay men with beefcake video

UPDATE AT 6:05 P.M. ET: The videos have been yanked from YouTube, apparently in response to this post. See new item above with additional links.

For a local movie promotion a week ago aimed at gay buyers, General Motors’ Chevrolet sponsored an online video on YouTube featuring the “Bumble Bee Boys in Briefs” – a couple of buff “go-go boys” wearing only Speedo-type swimsuits with the letters CAMARO stitched across the behind. In the video, they are washing a Camaro.

It’s an interesting marketing twist considering how dramatically the auto industry has backed away from blatantly using sex appeal to sell cars. In the 1950s, automakers never hesitated to plug their hot models with – well, hot (female) models. They were aiming at male buyers and figured cheesecake would work. The trend died when women objected to being objectified, making today’s gay beefcake appeal all the more interesting.

The video was produced to promote Chevrolet Gay Days at the Movies in Los Angeles, part of an ongoing outreach program to minority groups and the gay-lesbian-bisexual-transgender community. The movie was a screening of the new Transformers movie, chock full of GM vehicles including Bumblebee, a Camaro. Dave Barthmuss, a General Motors spokesman, said the promotion might surprise some “because you don’t see it in the mainstream.” The video was deemed to “make sense for this particular audience.”

GM also uses tailored marketing to reach other groups, such as African-American and Asian-American buyers. A recent Asian-oriented event featured a meet-up around a catering truck dishing out gourmet specialties.


how did i miss the asian GM day?


u failed George


well its broken in and ready to start some races :slight_smile:

you wanna warm up with a G8 or LS1?

im calling :bsflag: unless I SEE it at the B.R.A.

the :bsflag: has been erected once again.

Did u run into a mineral gray cobra last friday??

Wouldn’t even waste the gas to race it against the Vette.

the caddy will take you on ! then when your done beating me ill get the chevelle out :slight_smile:
Im trying to talk my sister into getting one. I wish i could. i have a feeling ill be selling the caddy for a g6 and moving to DC :frowning:

Bullshit called, he wants his car back

its not BS, I was out that way today and seen it in the driveway…

you might want to clean out your camaro’s tail pipe… :idb:

yeah dave i am friends with him. i want to race him side byside not while im behind him waiting for him to jump on it. we were pretty even. but he only has exhaust i guess.