2010 honda fury ...coming this spring

yea thats right, honda now has a production chopper. I like it alot for what it is.:slight_smile:



Meh 90 percent of choppers are gay, this falling in that 90%

i kinda like it

not feeling it.

I see some potential for greatness.

it’s…vtec just…kicked in…???

i’m too confused to make the joke properly…

I’ll decide if I like it or not by judging how gay it sounds.

"We expect slight increases from the VTX’s rear-wheel numbers of 59 hp and 71 ft-lbs of torque. " wow, my quad has more hp.

shouldnt this be in the bike forum?

Nice color, not really feeling the bike itself.

“Is your 12 year old Asian son into the Show American Chopper? If so, let him know he has options now with the new Honda Fury!”

Like to two colors and would be cool on a sport bike but not a fan of this style. Looks like a suped up classic pedal bicycle.

no 300 rear tire, no care

ehh it looks likes a little bike chopper

I love the ruckus and this is pretty sweet, I really like this.

I’m not a bike guy but most of the people I know are, and an older guy I know spent most of his life owning harleys. He now has a honda (1600 maybe?) cruiser and says it’s a more quality bike than any harley he’s ever owned. :tup: for honda bikes

welcome to last month:


meh… could be worse though.

I had only seen illustrations until these pics. these pics completely ruined it…
