2010 Season Diggums and Roll Races...

Nope, not at all :rofl

Mine is very notchy, but it’s honestly the best shifting car that I’ve ever owned. It’s sprung to the center hard, meaning when you are in 2nd and going for 3rd, you really dont have to guide it nearly as much as stock shifter.

I don’t think there’s a single part on the CT9A evolutions thats the same as a base lancer besides the roof and the carpet

he only races cars he knows he will beat…thats why he wont give me a 20+ roll.


with my factory hurst short throw, it goes in 3rd gear by itself…just push forward lol

Pete, paul is right about you racing cars and shit you know you will beat and now you only “like” racing from a dig. When you had your GTI, you were a roll queer just like the rest of us…which is fine…but dont talk shit about racing people and then when it comes to it, its only the way you want to do it.

like I have said before Pete, I will race you from a dig again and you will give me my 20-30 roll like I have always wanted. Atleast this year when we do a dig its not going to be 30 degree’s out on street tires…and when I come around you, HARD…dont hit the brakes like you did last time. Bottle is out of the car which I can even show you before/after so theres no “spraying” BS.

20-30 roll is mint buddy!

good. Mint for me too.

in all honestly i just like racing from a dig, its TOO much fun:lol…

ok mint is good

i’ll let ya take the hit too from one car out.


exactly, when i first met pete, i think the only words out of his mouth were “what does it trap” because he couldnt drive his old car in a dig and all he did was roll/talk about roll races. Now he has AWD (which anyone can launch) and he thinks hes the king of the tree.

I’d bet $20 that you couldn’t launch that thing correctly the first time, or anyone that hasn’t driven something like that.

Reason I say the first time because, “anyone” can launch AWD…right?

its a evo! They are untouchable!

Id take that bet in a heartbeat just so you know, when tom bought his STI i drove it a TON and also launched it a ton. so i can garuntee you i can launch petes evo…easy. ill give you on the very frist try, most likely not. but in one night id almost be willing to put money on me getting a better 60’ than pete in his own god damn car.

lol yah Im staying out of this. I know that AWD cars are hard to launch even tho I hacve never driven one…if you launch too high, it can spin, too low, you can bogg to shit. Hafto find the sweet spot which can be tricky.

right bro, OMG EVO! its god and no1 that owns a domestic can drive/beat it. give me a fucking break

im pretty sure we murdered that evo X that one night! Mother fucker was shooting flames and I went sailing by him! he looked over and had a stone O SHIT face on haha! Priceless!

lmao, thats right, petes but buddy who claimed to have nothing but an exhaust and a tune shooting flames and shit on the highway AND started in 2nd when i was in 3rd at 40mph. got smoked…three times…by us both…and we both had passengers.

ok pal