2010 Season Diggums and Roll Races...

i know he is cute, buut c’mon! no means no

yeah ill run ya joey idc. like i previously stated, i honestly couldnt care less about any of this, or anyone else’s car for that matter. pete just talks mad shit about his evo and thinks its so nasty. I’m all for representing what you drive and being proud of it but WTF? He will ONLY pick a race that he has the advantage in because he’s afraid of losing. That isnt what street racing is all about IMO. Anything can happen to anyones car at any time. And it is funny for like 10 mins, then you just want to punch him in the face because he drives you nuts with his mouth.

pete the way your car sits will not beat the vette roll or dig. no way. once you mod it you probably will edge me out in both. Then ill just throw a b/s kit on the car and hit the button and fly by you again. evo’s suck.

did YOU honestly just call someone dense, honestly? Pete have you ever listened to the shit that comes out of your mouth, or taken a look in the mirror for that matter? Honestly kid your funny and shit, but fuckin A sometimes i wanna blast you.

No they don’t… lol. I’d take an Evo over a Vette anyday. Vettes are a dime a dozen and do absolutely nothing for me. You can count 10+ easily on any given day… I see more Vettes than Corolla’s.

dude, the car makes maybe 250 horse? goes 103 in the quater, i never said it was a bullet or anything… i’ve raced several faster cars, pretty much every race i go into im expecting a loss… really could care less.

your the one who seems to be getting all worked up for nothing

yea, your right evos suck, just like your z06… almost wish i never told you the places to look for that car.

wow bro you are SO HARD

oh and why do you think i can’t get you from a dig as it sits, you prolly don’t have much practice with the car. run me from a dig tonight, win or lose, i didn’t spend bank on a clutch to not launch the car:lol

Money on the Z06 here.

Launch will determine when, not if the ZO6 will go around the Evo. Assuming the place you guys race is a marked 1/4 mile?

The zo6 bone stock will come around the evo let alone a mildy modded and tuned one. Its fighting a losing battle as the cars are not in the same class at this point.

ok pete, first of all dont act like YOU found my car. you told me to check cars.com, its not like i hadnt been looking for a nice vette on every other god damn cars for sale website on the internet. i got lucky and found a nice one on the website you suggested. you bring it up every time i see you.

im not worked up over anything, matter of fact im sitting at my house drinking a beer after 8hrs of work on a sunday.

you act like my vette can not hook, its under 370whp. do you honestly think that i dont know how to drive and cant make that hook at all? cmon dude.

and trust me pete im not trying to act hard on shift ok. im just speaking my mind. i dont need to ACT hard. im not going to fight with some idiot over a car or a race, who gives a fuck.

all im saying is you talk shit all over shift about how your evo is king. i beg to differ, and your arrogant as fuck about it for NO REASON and this b/s has escalated into an internet fued. cmon bro are we three yrs old?

Regardless of how how hard the evo gets out of the hole, if lemon-on-the-chain-with-the-v-cuts can get traction in first hand have a decent 1-2 shift I think the double-u streak is over for the evoh



mildy modded? IMO a catback shouldnt even put my car in the mildly modded class! Thats all it has haha. What is that maybe 10hp? But you’re right dude i dont think that our cars are in the same class.

As contradicting to everything ive posted as this may be, i truthfully do not give a FUCK whether or not petes ugly fucking evo can beat my Z in any race. My personal opinion on evo’s is they look gay as fuck, sound like shit, and break alot. Theyre also far overpriced, and i wouldnt consider it rare (just as i dont consider my car) because its nothing more than a lancer with a few appearance mods/performance mods. Lancers are everywhere. Pete is always breaking everyones balls about their car, non stop. Someone says anything to him about his and its “lets race” or “oh ok dude” then he goes home and talks shit on shift for three days. Until now everyone tolerates the constant retarted comments and annoying shit that he does.

Oh SHIT !!!

yeah dude. perfect example. just looking at power to weight for my car it should be a mid to low 12 sec ride. yeah petes right i dont have much experience with it, only taken it out maybe 5-6 times since ive owned it. but im also not a moron and this isnt the first car ive owned. i can drive. pending our race, if i hit third gear (the only difficult thing id have to do) my car should win. plain and simple, cut and dry

Does your car have an aftermarket shifter? If it does, sounds like it sucks or is adjusted wrong, as third gear is very easy with my Hurst.

Boy, this is ignorance at its best. The Evolution is an entirely different platform than the base Lancer. Base Lancers are junk. The stock Evo will rip you 1st-3rd gear guaranteed.

No way is a stock evo going to rip him 1st-3rd. Half way through 2nd the vette will be tearing by

Yes previous owner put a short throw in and mine sucks!! 1-2 is awesome, 2-3 blows, 3-4 is cake, 4-5 sucks. maybe petes right and i am retarted and cant drive, idk? Its a WICKED notchy shifter. Once in awhile going from 5-6 it pops into 4th. Ive noticed you have to forcefully put the shifter into place, if you laxidasically shift it does its own thing.

your going to sit here and tell me that a lancer is not what a LANCER Evolution is based off of? ignorance, you said it kid!!:number1

exactly, lksi have you ridden in or seen a Z rip 1-3, 2nd and 3rd gear are extremely strong in that car. The gearing in a Z trans is different than the typical M6 in other LSX cars fyi.

Yeah, completely different motor and drivetrain, suspension, interior, exterior. I guess if those are a “few performance and appearance mods.” Line them up and get it over with. And no, I have only ridden in a few F bodys from a dig… so I guess we will see who is right!