2011 honda cr-z

Gone. Sold to ray laks this morning. To the few people that were tire kicking on this, you missed out.

May we ask what it ended up going for? The price started to get tempting lol.

I thought it was a great price at $6k, but my son ended up buying a truck - about as opposite from this as possible with a 07 quad cab long bed 4x4 Duramax/Allison!!

If I was in the market myself, I would have jumped at $5500 for sure.

or the guys that you just stopped replying to when i tried to send a downpayment. i dont know how fucking hard it is to reply to a text…


I have been sick in bed since I dropped this thing off at the dealer yesterday Morning. Im sorry but Ive stated numerous times that I needed this thing gone asap. Not at the end of the month like you said. And I wasnt trying to sit there and decipher who you were buying this for. You or your brothers gf?? I needed this off my mothers property and Im sorry but I couldnt risk waiting till the end of the month, you coming and for some reason not wanting it and me being stuck with it even longer. You hadn’t even seen the car yet. Ive dealt with way too many flakers between here and craigslist this month and needed it gone period.

dude i said i was sending the downpayment that minute if you wouldve replied. or the next 4 texts i sent you. AND you sold it for less?

only one flake between the 2 of us and thats the guy who’d sooner reply to a forum post than 5 goddamn texts in a row spread out over about 20 hours

Ray Laks got it for less than you were willing to pay? Good news, go there and scoop it from them before it hits the auction block.

If they bought it for 5300 I guarantee it will get listed for sale for at least 7300, probably a lot more considering KBB dealer price is 7500-9100 (assuming average miles since it isn’t listed here). They bought it to make a profit.

Can’t blame the OP for not wanting to wait until the end of the month for a random internet buyer either, down payment or not, especially for a $200 difference.

Exactly. If this does not go to auction which I dont think it will I bet they list it at 7999 and start from there.

And im glad someone else understands me not wanting to or being able to wait until the end of the month. Ive had 5 different people flake out on this car. Kaneda, you said you were 4 hours away and said you were interested in buying it for yourself or your brothers girlfriend. I wasnt going to take a risk on someone 4 hours away that ive never dealt with wanting to send a down payment on a car they’ve never seen in person not even knowing who was going to actually buy it. I could not take a chance of waiting, you coming here at the end of the month and deciding you didnt want it or the car wasnt for you or who ever. Down payment or not. Im sorry but after having the car up for sale for over 2 months and no one seriously interested, I did what I had to do. Did I want to eat 2300 to get out of it? No. But I did not want to pay to store this.

That being said, if you were THAT interested for you, your brother, his gf, her mother, who ever… why didnt you just pick your phone up and call me? I have been home sick in bed sleeping most of the time since sunday night and havent been glued to my phone.

Let’s see, sell it off to the dealer for guaranteed cash right then and there or wait for some random person…
If you needed it gone ASAP, selling it off to the dealer was the best thing to do.

I was being sarcastic across the board. I don’t think it’ll go to auction, it’s a nice car and the price surely left room for profit. Glad it sold, I was tempted because of the price and it’s not practical for what I need/want.

look at you guys making excuses for him, he just stopped replying to my texts. BUT somehow he thought it was appropriate to post here after that. end of the month? i was gonna send a goddamn $1000 dollars that minute.


Again…would it have been that hard for you to pick your phone up and call someone then if you were THAT interested?? Like ive stated before about 5 times, Ive never even met you bro. You haven’t even been on this forum very long, I have no idea who you are. I needed the car gone immediately as in this week and it was not worth my time to wait. You sending a deposit was great and all but I could not risk you coming here and nit picking the car or something and not taking it for your brothers girlfriend or whomever. You didn’t even sound like you knew who you were buying the damn car for. And did you not say I cant come there for two more weeks around the 31st?? because im pretty sure that you did.

if you wanted it that bad you would have CALLED me like most seriously interested adults would do and set some concrete time to come look at the car.

Either way, the car is gone and this thread is done. Im sorry your panties are a little soiled and salty after all this. I appreciate the interest, I do. Next time call someone if you’re seriously interested in a vehicle 4 hours away from you and cant really work around the sellers specified time frame.

Mods- This thread can be locked/ deleted.


You’re being pathetic for ranting in this thread, you brought it up.
You want the car, go to the dealer and buy it.
Sounds like he needed the car gone ASAP, it’s been for sale for awhile.
The dealer was the quickest and easiest way to guarantee a sale without having to deal with taking a deposit and hoping you pull through with paying off the balance.
He should have gotten back to you saying he didn’t want to deal with you, but that is the extent of anything that he may have owed you.

So much drama over a $5300 Honda.

what? now you are making its sound like i refused to call you? mention call again when you wouldnt reply to a text saying i can send the downpayment. all you needed to reply was, “its sold”. excuse after excuse after excuse. my exact words were “im buying the car either way”.

Oh look, a dead horse.
@kaneda3 … move along. between this and your overpriced Civic Si you are making a phenomenal first impression.

oh boohoo, im in the wrong for stating facts and laughing at bs excuses. reason and logic obviously cant get past the echo chamber in here.


I bought a variety of things (including a car) from him, he’s not flakey in the least. I never had 1 issue with him not being where he said he would be or doing what he said he’d do. :slight_smile:
This will REALLY burn your ass, he knows I’m not a flaker so he offered it to me for less than the dealer paid. ZING.