I get skeptical on some of these products, though. I have driven a Maserati Ghibli S Q4 several times and the transmission program fucking blows on the auto, really bad. It’s the same ZF8 that’s in my Audi A7 which feels great in that car and they managed to program it like total horse shit in the Maserati. I’d have to try the three pedal version in the Alfa to see if that fixes it enough for me to like it. The Maserati also kind of handles like dog shit. I genuinely dislike that car, honestly. Even the exhaust sounds super synthetic on the TT 3.0L V6, but I like me some big ass naturally aspirated exhaust notes from loud cars. Italian to me means high revving NA motor and not turbo wheezing from a V6.
Makes me wonder how different the Alfa is as I’m sure there’s a lot of parts bin parts in there.