
216-333-1810 Call it

Its the number of the jump drives NIN was leaving around.



what are you talking about


Call it. :ohnoes:

This is a great marketing idea.

Jump drives found in bathrooms of concerts with these tracks:
-My violent heart; Me, I’m not; Survivalism
The last one contained an bonus track “2432.mp3” with crazy sounds
Put that track through a spectrograph and the number came up.
And it gets even crazier. (Trent drawing with sounds again, hand of god, poisoned water, govt stuff, or something)

READ: http://www.echoingthesound.org/phpbbx/viewtopic.php?t=20265&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0

maybe its cuz my phones a peice but it says call failed so explain


maybe its cuz my phones a peice but it says call failed so explain


You probbley need to dial a 1 before the number

That’s pretty ingenious.


You probbley need to dial a 1 before the number


i did thanks

ok called the number can someone tell me what this is about please i read about it and have no idea what is going on

wow some crazy shit, I guess you shouldnt drink the water.

weirdest phone call ever made

http://www.superstarcastic.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/Phone%20Call.mp3 weird…


Seriously, what did I just listen to and now what am I supposed to do with it?

ok i called it=Ghey. its some lame skit where some chick acts like someone in a club is gonna kill her, i didnt hear anything worthy of my 3 minutes of time wasted.

Pure genius! Viral marketing at it’s best. The rabbit hole goes just deep enough to convince a conspiracy theorist. Expect to see this a lot soon.
wouldn’t expect anything less from an artist who’s breakthrough video prompted an FBI investigation.

I can’t figure out if www.godhatesmyspace.com is part of it, or if astraightline.com is who is doing design layout for the campaign.


those hand pictures make no sense.


god that was badass, i just spent awhile reading up on as much as I could find out. Thats a really well done conspiricy so far. it seems like they have pretty much dead-ended for now though.