219 on public roads? VID


edited for direct link to video

Heh. I could probably find out, with no more than 3 phone calls, who that was.

And what a total idiot. He’ll be in the news at some point.

“look 170 through a turn, impressive isnt it?” Fucking tard.

damn, thats fast when they do the drive-by cam at 219

Ahh to be rich and stupid.

And then a big fucking elk crossed into the road.

they could have made worse decisions. at least it was on a road going over water with no houses.

Not defending them, but there’s probably quite a few people on here that have done dumber things with cars that can barely handle it.

Wow, check this out 50 seconds in.

i hope he hits a tree


Wow, check this out 50 seconds in.

i hope he hits a tree


That was close. Stupid


“blue flames”


i like how he says “without experiencethis could have been an accident”
anyone w/ experience shouldnt be doing that on a public street because theyknow what might happen

:lol: at all you guys talking shit…I would much rather do 200mph in that car then 140-150 in a turbo honda hatch on the 400…

thats funny cause im sure if all your hondas could get that high u would try.

impressive… dumb… but impressive… the fly by at 200+ looked and sounded AMAZING… haha

from youtube comments

if you notice at 00:28, the road they’re on is closed. they also start from a dead stop on the highway. nobody stops in the middle of an open highway. the other cars were probably friends placed there so it would look illegal on youtube.

also at 3:20 they placed a camera in the middle of a lan


:lol: at all you guys talking shit…I would much rather do 200mph in that car then 140-150 in a turbo honda hatch on the 400…




from youtube comments

if you notice at 00:28, the road they’re on is closed. they also start from a dead stop on the highway. nobody stops in the middle of an open highway. the other cars were probably friends placed there so it would look illegal on youtube.

also at 3:20 they placed a camera in the middle of a lan


internet sleuthing @ its finest.

Gotta admit, that’s pretty sick fast when it passes by.



:lol: at all you guys talking shit…I would much rather do 200mph in that car then 140-150 in a turbo honda hatch on the 400…




:lol: at all you guys talking shit…I would much rather do 200mph in that car then 140-150 in a turbo honda hatch on the 400…


Hondas could break 90mph? :slight_smile:

That 219 mph pass looked retarded fast. Sped up?

Either way, that car makes 219 look so effortless…

We all do stupid things in our cars, or we wouldn’t be on this forum.