wow I’m just checking out the site and man quite the community out here too for the 240SX folks I’m just another 240SX guy from Surrey B.C just browsing around on what other 240SX that there is…sucks that the 240SX Convention in las Vegas was cancelled they’re such a large 240 Community across just across Canada and even more down the in U.S…I’m just representing the WESTCOAST CREW for Vancouver 240’s B.C’s Lowermainland 240 Crew drop a line
eww BC :lol:
Welcomo dude. Hey I hear BC has some nice roads to play on. Is this myth true?
Well when you take the British Columbia landscape, and compare it to Ontario’s (Canadian Shield tends to be rather… flat… and dull) it’s quite obvious that they geographically MUST have better roads than we do. 8)
as true as that is, you wouldnt know it in niagara…
Hey Welcome man. Im originally from North Vancouver, and i go back a couple times a year…
weeest siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiideeeee!!!
Isn’t there already a big west coast club… by the name of NWN?
please explain why there is a need for another forum?
Man we only wished we had the types of roads out here as they have in B.C. vs
the need seems obvious. otherwise we’d all be on TSR right now.
well not really Decline
North West Nissan is a NISSAN forum, TSR is NOT a NISSAN forum.
Most people who live in vancouver are on NWN, just like most people who lives in Cali are on FA.
However, I do see your point, I just can’t see how another forum will benefit anyone, except for maybe organizing vancouver meets…
NWN is tres sick…