GOT MY FIRST GOOD CONDITION 240sx. I would love if you guys would congradulate me. :D:P
Im glad you could join the club of non rusted 240 owners haha…pictures…?
come meet up with the gang at chucky cheese at 9am oin saturday for the importfest cruise**** we can take a look at her wher out by tuantent road that chucky cheese
Go you? WTF? Want us to give you a rub n’ tug while we’re at it?
Award for the gheyest thread goes to…
And you also win the award for the most vague thread title in history.
Thanks guys, and thanks DJPyro LMFAO (very supportive). Ill try to make it up there for the meet. I will also take some pics and post them. Just got it tonight so it wouldnt be good quality pictures, but i have to say 240’s pull even a ka24e, and I LOVE MY 240sx COUPE.
dont even think dont be a bitch lol just come at 9am and we will head out from there
Sure thing lol.