2nd Annual BlownEuroz Meet - Photos


What the hell? An STi VW?

lol, what about it? Took like 4 tries to get it right.

haha, i meant in general… not in the fire.
idk. i never liked unnecessary letter replacements. especially Zs and Ks

Kustom Workz

that kind of shit.

I agree with the z comments, but whatever who really cares


i 2 hate the blatent K and Z switcheroo, especially when you do it twice like Kustom Works… the only other way it could be worse is Kustom Werkz

Yeah I was curious too.

Damn I wish I didn’t have to work yesterday or I would have came down with you guys, looks like it was a hell of a turn out.

Also pics looks great Mike, now get back to finishing the p-car :slight_smile:

kuztem wurx

Sorry im bored

how come there arent any volvo members??? lame

there was a couple volvo’s there, but i don’t think mike got any shots of them.

I got a shot of one of them, but mostly, I didnt care as Volvo’s are 99% lame.


ha yeah i agree

Thats badass!! How big was that?? ft. X ft. ?


Each letter was probably 2ft x 1ft

Is that a turbo at the top right!?!? Lol I looked closer and thats awesome

Haha yeah, Turbonetics T3 in the pic is on fire.

Some more photos (not from me):


looks like a good meet. I SPY a bunch of ppl from my old home town there.

–wish i had my license, so i could have went.

MIKE_____u guys should have a 2nd mid-late summer meet. i bet a lot more ppl would show.

I think having one meet very early in the year makes it a bit unique on the east coast and is definitely a draw as long as the weather holds. I know I’d be excited to get my car out for the first time that year and go hang out. More people may come because of convenience, but I think the early date adds some excitement to the meet and the crowd.

Plus, it looked to be a hell of a lot of work. I’d love to help set up the next meet (didn’t do anything this year, for the record), but two in a year might be a bit more than a few college kids can throw together. Basically, I’d hate to see the quality suffer in favor of quantity.

Yeah, not sure what we’re doing. Last year we piggybacked on a meet in August at JFK Park, but we’ll see about this year. Right now talks are about possibly doing something end of this year, or next year’s meet at Atco or another local drag strip.

nice pics. eip sucks tho